Namur x Sömmer

A woman wearing a floral robe, her hair adorned with a stunning soft purple porcelain headpiece, exuding grace and elegance.


Depois de um ano de pandemia nasce uma colaboração muito especial, que ganha forma pela vontade e apoio mútuo entre duas marcas fundadas por e para mulheres. 


Multiple images showcasing different ways to wear porcelain jewelry, demonstrating versatility and allowing individuals to express their unique and elegant style.


Inspirada pela subtileza da natureza, estes novos designs são inspirados na harmonia natural da flora. Cada pétala é moldada
e pintada à mão, uma por uma, cujo acabamento é realizado em esmalte brilhante. 

Estes acessórios são o complemento perfeito para as extraordinárias criações da Namur. A suavidade das telas, a beleza dos tecidos e o estampados dos vestido ou roupões completam-se com estas peças únicas e irrepetiveis.  

São peças atemporais e eternamente clássicas. 


A close-up view of a white porcelain headpiece intricately designed with nature-inspired elements, capturing the beauty and delicacy of the natural world.


Desta parceria nasceram algumas das peças mais desafiantes que realizei até hoje. São verdadeiras esculturas que reflectem toda
a dedicação e carinho que coloco em cada um destes acessórios. 

Tenho imenso orgulho nesta parceria e não poderia estar mais feliz!
Espero que gostem. 

:: Sofia



After a year of pandemic, a very special collaboration was born, which takes shape through the will and mutual support between two brands founded by and for women. 


Multiple images presenting various ways to style and wear porcelain jewelry, inspiring creativity and personal expression.


Inspired by the subtlety of nature, these new designs are inspired by the natural harmony of flora. Each petal is molded and painted by hand, one by one, and has a gloss glaze finishing.

These accessories are the perfect complement for the exquisite pieces of Namur Collection. The smoothness of the fabrics, the beauty of the patterns, and designs are the ideal complement for these unrepeatable and unique porcelain pieces.


A close-up view of a headpiece adorned with a design inspired by leaves, showcasing the intricate details and organic beauty of the porcelain craftsmanship.


From this partnership were born some of the most challenging pieces I've performed to date. They are true sculptures that reflect all the dedication and love I put into each one of these accessories.

I am immensely proud of this partnership and I couldn't be happier!
Hope you like it.

:: Sofia


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